
  1. 2024

    Created Portfolio Website

    Made this cool portfolio website!

  2. Graduated Baylor 🐻

    Sic'Em Bears! Earned a BS in Computer Science with a Math Minor. Completed the BIC honors program. Summa Cum Laude.

  3. NLP Course

    One of my fav Baylor courses - we traced the evolution of NLP by reading major papers from BLEU (2002) to BERT (2018) and beyond.

  4. 2023

    S-STEM Scholars Conference

    Neat conference in D.C. for a scholarship program I was in. They pushed a lot for going to grad school. I'm thinking about it...

  5. Amazon

    Software Development internship for Amazon.com warranties in Denver. Seeing Big Tech firsthand was super insightful.

  6. 2022

    Spring & Travel ✈️

    2nd internship working remotely for Spring + traveled a bit in the U.S. and abroad.

  7. 2021

    Spring & Robotics Research

    First summer internship at Spring. Also did robotics research at Baylor. Started realizing how little I know 🥴

  8. 2020

    Started at Baylor

    Started my undergrad at Baylor University in Waco, TX.

  9. 2019

    Self-Driving Picar

    First AI project: built a miniature self-driving car. Classified images as left/right/straight using a basic dense neural net.

  10. 2016

    Graphing Calculator Game

    Made a game in CASIO BASIC using way too many 'if' statements. 🥲

  11. 2015

    First "Hello World"

    First time I wrote a "Hello World" program.

© 2024 Daniel Luper. All rights reserved.
Source code on Github.